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Child and Youth Services in Germany

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Structural framework > State

Public finance


  • Tax revenues in Germany totalled €895.7 billion in 2022.
  • The chief sources of tax revenues are “shared taxes“ (mainly income tax and value added tax), which are allocated to the Federation, the Länder and the municipalities based on a set formula. In 2022 shared taxes accounted for a total of 75.4% of all tax revenues.

Financing sources:

  • The Federation’s public revenue is mainly derived from federal taxes and the Federation’s share of shared taxes.
  • The Länder (federal states) obtain their revenue mainly from Land taxes and the Länders’ shares of shared taxes, as well as the Financial Equalisation Scheme aiming to mitigate financial disparities between the Länder, and from federal, complemental grants.
  • The local authorities derive their funds mainly from community taxes, the local authorities‘ share of the income tax as well as trade tax, and from allocations made by the respective Land.


Geldkasse mit Schlüssel, davor liegen Euro-Scheine und Euro-Münzen / Cash box with key, euro notes and coins in front of it

The constitutional provisions relating to the Federal Republic of Germany's finances are found in Articles 104a to 108 of the Basic Law (Grundgesetz/GG). These regulate financial autonomy across the Federation and the federal states (Länder), as well as the financial relationships between the Federation, Länder and municipalities, the apportionment of expenditures, the distribution of powers regarding tax laws, tax revenue, financial administration and financial jurisdiction. As with other parts of the Basic Law, the constitutional provisions on federal finances have been amended over the years and adapted to account for developments. For example, a "debt brake" was incorporated as part of what is often referred to as Federal Reform II. The debt brake aims restrict new debt taken on by the Federation and the Länder and put budgetary developments on a more sustainable footing long term. It was suspended in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Tax revenues in 2022 totalled €895.7 bn. These are derived from:

  • shared taxes (74.5%): mainly VAT (30.1%); income tax (34.9%) and other…
  • federal taxes (11.8%): e.g., energy tax (4.5%); and others,
  • Länder (state) taxes (3.8%): e.g., land transfer duties (2.2%); inheritance tax (1.2%) and others,
  • community taxes (9.3%): e.g., trade tax (7.3%); property tax (>1,7%) and others.

In addition to these federal, Land and municipal tax revenues, social services are funded from revenues from mandatory insurance contributions for employees (statutory health insurance [2022: €289.3bn], statutory pension insurance [2022: approx. €297bn], statutory unemployment insurance [2022: approx. €31.7bn] and long-term care insurance [2022: approx. €52.5bn]), and administrative fees and user charges (especially at municipal level).

In 2022 the Federation's share of total tax revenues was 38% and of total VAT revenues 45.1%. The Federation's share has declined slightly over the last decade in favour of the Länder and local authorities.

The total revenues of the local authorities in 2022 was €328.4bn, of which €151.5bn was from own taxes.

VAT and consumption taxes are the tax forms with the broadest tax base, making up almost half of all tax revenues. These revenues place a disproportionately high burden on lower-income and younger households, since the bulk of their income goes on consumer spending.

Income tax accounts for just under one-third of tax revenues. Income tax is based on a progressive taxation system to ensure it is oriented to the individual or family based on their income bracket. Lower-income households pay very little or no income tax.

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