Article 1 of Germany’s Basic Law, the constitution, states:
“(1) Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority. (2) The German…
The Child and Youth Services Act (Kinder- und Jugendhilfegesetz), corresponding to Book 8 of the Social Code (SGB VIII), sets out a broad range of tasks and activities that are (designed…
Child and youth services is an integrated field, with many different tasks under the same umbrella. These are summarised in Article 2 of Book 8 of the Social Code (SGB VIII), shown…
Tasks and mission of child and youth services - Article 1, Social Code Book 8
(1) All young people have the right to receive assistance so they can become independent, responsible and socially…
Beyond the federal government's international commitments to the regulatory framework of the European Union, Germany is also party to a slew of international agreements and treaties with…
The Children and Youth Welfare Act (SGB VIII) is an integral part of the Federal Republic of Germany's Social Code (SGB). Since its primary purpose is to regulate social benefits,…
A legal definition of the term "social benefits" is found in Article 11 of Book 1 of the Social Code (SGB I). According to this definition, social benefits are services,…
The constitutional social state principle enshrined in the Basic Law (Article 20 [1] Grundgesetz/GG; see also 1.2.2) is fleshed out in the Social Code. Accordingly,…
Relationship between children, parents and state
The subsidiary relationship between state, parent and child is regulated in Article 6 of the Basic Law (Grundgesetz/GG), the…
Basic rights for the people of Germany are contained in Articles 1–19 of Section 1 of the Basic Law (Grundgesetz/GG). The Basic Law also refers to, "[...] inviolable and…