Secrecy and the protection of confidence are two of the most fundamental requirements of the care professions. A fully trusting and beneficial relationship between those seeking help and…
Children, adolescents and parents can turn to the ombuds office for impartial information, advice and mediation in conflicts with public-sector or non-statutory providers of child and…
The right of children and adolescents to participate in decisions that affect their own lives and that affect the structure of child and youth services in individual facilities and in…
Children and adolescents are entitled to participate in decisions pertaining to their own lives and the structure of child and youth services in individual facilities and in society.…
The presence of a disability is often at the heart of social exclusion issues, and child and youth services is no exception – despite the fact that, in theory at least, its duty to…
Child and youth services is fully dependent on reciprocal cooperation by all parties. Services are the product of collaborative action involving both the target groups and practitioners.…
In cross-sectoral theoretical debates on child and youth services (the concept of actively youth-oriented services, lifeworld-oriented youth services, the capability approach, etc.),…
The "social state" principle, enshrined in Article 20 (1) of the Basic Law (Grundgesetz/GG: "The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.") (see…
Structure of Child and Youth Services in the Federal Republic of Germany - Part 2
See Structure of Child and Youth Services in the Federal Republic of Germany - Part 1
Structure of Child and Youth Services in the Federal Republic of Germany - Part 1
In Germany, the child and youth services field comes under the country’s Social Code. Services are…